Thursday, March 24, 2011

What's New?

We haven't any new piggies lately and I haven't posted some pics, but I thought I would tell a story about one of our males. His name is Cookie Dough, and a week after we got him, he was in the boys' cage and his eye was all white and gooey. YIKES!

We took him to the vet and they said it was so infected that we needed to have it removed. Needless to say I wasn't exactly sure it did need to be removed but I thought they know best, right? I did read online that sometimes with a lot of treatment it might be ok.

We didn't have the money to get his eye removed just yet, and they gave us antibiotics to help the infection but said to come back in a few days.

After a few days we saw that his eye was getting better and guess what, now two weeks later just after he ran out of antibiotics he can SEE! His eye is great, its beautiful just like the other one and he is awesome.

I love this guinea pig. He sits right at his cage waiting to get pet through the cage without sniffing and nibbling my finger. He is such a sweetie and I'm so glad he came to us. Unfortunately he will have to find a home, but the new owners will love him, I promise. Check him out- Cookie Dough!

Monday, March 14, 2011

100th Post & March is Adopt A Guine Pig Month

Seems like we just got started (back in August) and so far we have adopted out 54 piggies, though 3 have come back. Not a bad percentage in my mind though.

So I thought I would post some updates for the 100th post. We have taken in around 60 guinea pigs, a couple didn't make it, many babies did not due to the stress on their moms, and we have done some vet trips. We have traveled to Fort Drum, Cortland (and further south), Oneonta and Albany. The only place I haven't gone is up north on the other side of the state.

We are cutting back because in July we are expecting our 3rd child. Our apartment is small and we need some space, though we will continue doing rescue. So far our worst cases were very skinny pigs, and another who lived on cedar her whole life with horribly long nails. These are besides the cases where guinea pigs have died.

We have gotten a lot of help and even some donations when people are adopting. It's been fun and it was sad to watch some of the cutest, or unique ones go.

Adopt a guinea pig month. This month (march) is adopt a guinea pig month and I encourage anyone who is interested to contact a local rescue/shelter to get a guinea pig. If you have friends or relatives I would be happy to help them find a local place where they won't get sick, unsexed cavies. (Those darn pet stores).